The only structure vaguely recognizable today on the 1633 Stopendael map (second photo, right) of the port of Naples is
the large
Angioino (in the upper left quadrant of the map), the fortress at the main entrance to the
modern port. The upper-right quadrant shows a small inlet, the
porticciuolo (little port); on
the right side of that tiny port and accessible from the water on two sides is the small church of
Santa Maria di Portosalvo (Safe Haven), built in 1534 and for many, many years the traditional
house of worship for Neapolitan seafarers. The little port no longer exists; the church, however,
does--but just barely.
Santa Maria di Portosalvo stood vigil over the sailors' quarter of the city, a part of Naples that has
disappeared, overwhelmed by years of urban development and devastation of war and subsequent
rebuilding. What is now
via Marina--the broad east-west road that runs the length of the
modern port--was not even there until the
Risanamento , the massive rebuilding of the city
between 1885 and 1915. Before that, you zigged and zagged your way along the piers and docks as
you moved east along the coast. The
Risanamento did not fill in the small port, but it did
build the new port facilities quite a ways out from the old water line and did unroll the new via
between the church and port. Subsequent port expansion in the 1930s filled in the
tiny port, and after WW2 extended the modern port facilities even further out into the water. Santa
Maria di Portosalvo is now about 150 yards from the waters edge. Starkly amputated from the port,
it is closed and abandoned, a 16th-century island in a sea of modern traffic and architecture--a
ruined reminder of another age.
The original church on the site was built at the behest of one Bernardino Belladonna to thank the
Virgin for saving him from pirates and shipwrecks. It was modified over the course of the next two
centuries to contain art and design typical of the Neapolitan baroque, including the painting of
la Gloria della Vergine by Batistello Caracciolo, marine scenes done in mother-of-pearl and
majolic tile, and the inlaid marble balustrade of the presbytery.The prominent dome is of majolic
(The 1909 Baedeker's map--third photo, right) of the port area shows the small harbor still there
even after the
Risanamento, though no longer open to the sea.)
The church was rebuilt in the 1880s to repair earthquake damage, and the small port was eventually
filled in by the intense port restructuring of the 1930s (which included the huge main passenger
terminal from 1936). That closed even the passage from the church by bridge over the main street
to the area of the
Immacolatella, the old customs station. Santa Maria di Portosalvo now sits
bizarrely on a traffic island that is the branching point for the two arms of a letter Y, via Colombo
and via De Gaspari, as they move west into the city. The long leg of the Y is via Marina, running
east along the port. The church is kept company by another relic that goes totally unnoticed these
days--a spire mounted by a cross (fourth photo, right), put in place in 1799 by the Bourbons to mark
their retaking of the kingdom of Naples from the forces of the short-lived
Republic .
Thus, Santa Maria di Portosalvo escaped the urban renewal of the
Risanamento, the bombs
of WW2, and even the building boom of the 1950s and 60s, dedicated to tearing down everything
that wasn't a cracker box so they could build cracker boxes. It has not, however, escaped the theft of
a number of works of art nor civic indifference. Yet, if reports are to be believed, restoration may be
in the works. An organisation known as IPSEMA (
Istituto Previdenza Settore Marittimo),
directly concerned with the welfare of members of the civilian maritime fleet, has presented a
proposal to restore the church. Also, a nearby high school has apparently "adopted" the church as
part a local civic initiative that encourages school kids to benevolently invade and fix up old
monuments. They have done splendid work in the past. The equation becomes more complicated--
perhaps encouragingly so--with the recent announcement by the city of a plan to redo
all (!)
of via Marina, running from the church down to the end of the industrial port, two miles to the east.
The plan includes moving the tram tracks, creating a decent pedestrian walkway, and, generally,
doing whatever else needs to be done in order to restore a severely blighted section of town.
Restoring this tiny church, a jewel of Neapolitan history, would fit in with those plans. So would
redigging that small harbor, but first things first.